A&C Cash Float Loan Policy - General Fund Proceeds in Advance of Bond Issuance |
OAC_Cash_Float_Loan_Policy_07_01_2023.pdf |
2023-08-04 |
To provide guidance to state personnel regarding the policies and procedures for the advancement of general fund proceeds prior to bond issuance |
A-77 Grants Management System Conversion |
A-77_Grants_Management_System_Conversion_04_15_2022.pdf |
2022-04-13 |
To establish rules and regulations for the adoption of the Grants Management System (GMS). |
A-78 Accounts Receivable Policy |
A-78_Accounts_Receivable_Policy_041223.pdf |
2023-04-12 |
To provide guidance to state personnel regarding the appropriate recording of accounts receivable transactions. |
A-79 Retainage and Retainage Payable |
A-79_Retainage_Policy_041223.pdf |
2023-04-12 |
To provide guidance on accounting for retainage on government contracts. |
Accounting and Financial Reporting for Impairment of Capital Assets and Insurance Recoveries |
A-65_ImpairmentOfCaptialAssets.pdf |
2016-03-18 |
Accounting for Interagency Cooperative Agreements |
AC_110_A-10_Accounting_for_Interagency_Cooperative_Agreements.pdf |
2003-07-01 |
This is the applicable policy and guidelines for dealing with interagency cooperative agreements.
Appointment of Authorized Agents |
A-6_Appointment_of_Authorized_Agents_12_01_14.pdf |
2014-12-01 |
To relieve directors of certain responsibilities, an authorized agent may act on behalf of the appointing director.
Bank Depository Accounts |
A-44_BankDepositoryAccounts.pdf |
2016-10-28 |
Bond Fund Expenditures |
AC_217_E-17_Bond_Fund_Expenditures.pdf |
2003-05-01 |
Guidelines governing the expednitures of bond funds.
Cash Receipts Cut-Off and Revenue Recognition |
AC_161_A-61_Cash_Receipts_Cut-Off_and_Revenue_Recognition.pdf |
2014-01-23 |
Polciy aimed at ensuriong that the state is consistent with its financial reporting with the modified accrual basis.
Emergency Food Purchases (state closure) |
A-68_Emergency_Food_Purchases__State_Closure_.pdf |
2015-02-01 |
Guidelines governing food purchases during a state of emergency.
Emergency Food Purchases - EMA |
A-68a_EmergencyFoodPurchases.pdf |
2018-09-07 |
Policy allows EMA to use a state purchase card for food for EMA staff when required to work outside normal shift due to preparation, or response to an emergency/disaster. |
Employer Provided Vehicles |
AC_151_A-51_Employer_Provided_Vehicles_revised_Oct_2014.pdf |
2014-01-14 |
Rules and regulations governing the use and the accountability of State Agency vehicles |
Expedited Payment Discount |
A-74_ExpeditedPaymentDiscount.pdf |
2018-07-01 |
To provide an opportunity for expedited payment for State vendors, while also reducing the cost to the State through discounts. |
Expenditure Recognition and Accounts Payable Cut-Off |
A-62_Expenditure_Recognition_and_Accounts_Payable_Cut_Off_041223.pdf |
2023-04-12 |
Policy provides guidance to state departments, agencies, and personnel regarding the appropriate recording of expenditures and accounts payable transactions. |
EZ-Pass for State Use Policy |
A-67_EZ-Pass_for_State_Use_Policy_12_01_14.pdf |
2014-12-01 |
Guidelines governing state employee usage of E-Z Pass Business responders
Federal Account Management |
A-16_Federal_Account_Management.pdf |
2019-07-01 |
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to state agencies on how to manage the cash balances in their federal accounts more effectively. |
Fiscal Year-End Payroll Accrual |
126_A-26_Fiscal_Year-end_Payroll_Accrual_10-11-16.pdf |
2016-10-11 |
At the end of each fiscal year, the Office of Account and Control charges accrued payroll costs to appropriation accounts that normally have payroll cjharges. The purpose of the accrual is to comply wih the principals of accrual accounting by recognizing payroll expenditures in the period the related services are actualloy performed.
Impairment of Capital Assets |
AC_165_A-65_Impairment_of_Capital_Assets_03-18-16.pdf |
2014-04-02 |
Starting in 2006, this policy ensures that the State of Rhode Island is compliant with the GASB Statement No. 42 , Accounting and Financiual Reporting for Impairment of Capital Assets and Insurance Recoveries.
Imprest Checking Accounts |
A-15a_Imprest_Checking_Accounts_9-13-19.pdf |
2019-05-17 |
The policy/procedure applies to State departments and agencies that 1) wish to establish a new imprest checking account and/or 2) are currently managing one or more imprest checking accounts. |