# RI.gov: Rhode Island Government

Accessibility & Usability

  1. All Rhode Island state Websites must be accessible according to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Priority 1 Checkpoints:
    See an abridged checklist of the Priority 1 Checkpoints:
  2. Avoid the use of frames.
  3. HTML is always preferred. However, when this is not practical, PDF files should be created as searchable text files, not scanned images.
    1. HTML alternatives should be provided for PDF files; if this is not practical, a link should be provided to obtain the document in an alternative format (e.g., paper)
    2. Include wording that explains a link is to a PDF and not to another web page. Most users assume that an unmarked link goes to a web page.
    3. Include the PDF file size and the number of pages.
    4. Include a link to the Adobe Acrobat Reader download site
  4. Inclusions: The following items must be included on all state Websites:
    1. Name of sponsoring department, agency or committee, date last updated, and email contact on all pages.
    2. Use the RI.gov Navigation Bar on the main page: · Get the RI.gov navigation bar code Included on the RI.gov Navigation Bar are:
      1. RI Privacy and Disclaimer Statement
      2. A link to the Find-It! Rhode Island search engine
  5. The Government Information Locator Service (GILS) attribute set (metatags) is required on the main page of each agency. Other important pages should include the metatags, especially title, description and keywords. These metatags are used by search engines.
  6. All Websites must offer a link to the home page from all other pages.
  7. All Websites must display the RI Coat of Arms on the main page:
    http://www.ri.gov/resource/clipart/  (40x35 pixels is recommended)
  8. Commercial advertisements, and third-party features or services containing commercial advertisements must not be present on agency Websites.
  9. The Office of Library and Information Services will be monitoring all state Websites for compliance with the Minimum Standards for Rhode Island State Websites.
  10. The Minimum Standards for Rhode Island State Websites have been prepared by the Office of Library and Information Services in cooperation with RI.gov.

Public Access Policies of the Information Resources Management Board

State government must provide reasonable access to all information, which is not protected under privacy laws. The public has a right of access to public records subject to certain enumerated exceptions, and the public agency has a duty to provide such access. Legally determined restrictions are the only grounds for denying public access to, inspection of, or copying of public records. [Approved by IRMB on December 18, 1997]

Universal Website Accessibility for State of Rhode Island Websites

It is the policy of the State of Rhode Island to ensure that people with hearing, visual, and other disabilities have equal access to public information that is available on the Internet and the World Wide Web. It is the direct responsibility of web page developers to become familiar with the guidelines for achieving universal accessibility and to apply these principles in designing and creating any official State of Rhode Island Website.

The use of the guidelines will ensure that Websites created by the State of Rhode Island are developed to serve the largest possible audience. Following the guidelines will also provide an added benefit to those users with text-based browsers, slow(er) modem connections and/or no multi-media capabilities on their computer. [Approved by IRMB on January 21, 1999]

The Webmaker’s Resource site is for the use of Rhode Island government agencies. Any software and Web tools found on these pages are not necessarily endorsed by the State of Rhode Island. All images and standards belong to the state of Rhode Island and cannot be used without the express consent of the State of Rhode Island.

Accessibility Links & Resources