# RI.gov: Rhode Island Government

Press Releases



Fulfilling his pledge to comprehensively examine the workings of State government, Governor Donald L. Carcieri today announced the launch the Governor's Fiscal Fitness Program aimed at making Rhode Island a model for the delivery of cost efficient service to taxpayers.

During today's news conference at the Department of Administration where the project will be headquartered, the Governor introduced a team of more than 50 state employees who have been assigned on a full-time basis to conduct a first of its kind analysis of how government in Rhode Island truly works.

"We are not just looking for short-term fixes," said Carcieri. "We are looking at a dramatic transformation of how we do things, how we are organized and how we spend money. This far reaching initiative will focus on how to cut costs, improve efficiencies and reduce waste--- both in time and materials."

The Governor noted that it is vital that taxpayers have confidence that their tax dollars are being spent wisely and that service is delivered in a business-like fashion. "For instance," he said, "citizens of this state should not have to wait for hours in long lines at the Department of Motor Vehicles or any other state agency. We are going to fix that as well as other problem areas throughout the system."

The Governor's Fiscal Fitness Program will be run by 25 team leaders who will delve into such areas as information technology, facilities, processes, purchasing and training. The team leaders will report to 11 group leaders who will play key roles in auditing and recommending areas of improvement. "We will develop a robust portfolio of ideas aimed at reducing expenses and improving service," said Carcieri. "Bottom line: we want to work smarter, better and leaner." The effort will be led on a day to day basis by Robert J. Higgins, director of the Department of Administration, and Beverly Najarian, director of Administrative Services in the Governor's Office.

"I will ask the leadership of the State employee unions and the leadership of the Rhode Island General Assembly to work with me on this initiative," said Carcieri. "I believe in a collaborative approach. State employees will be treated with dignity and respect and will be recognized for innovation and superior service to the citizens of Rhode Island."

Yesterday, the group met as a whole in "The Gym", an area set up on the fourth floor of the Administration Building. Designated state employees and their team leaders went through a training session in preparation for today's official launch.

According to Carcieri, the Governor's Fiscal Fitness Program will be driven by a key set of principles:

* We will focus on work flow, policy and procedures--- not people or personalities.

* There is no such thing as a "bad idea." All ideas will be evaluated. The process will not be arbitrary.

* No one agency or department will be singled out. It will be a holistic approach.

* We will challenge every activity in every department. Nothing is off limits.

* Results will be measured. No course of action will be simply hypothetical.

* We will ensure a high level of employee involvement. This is not a top-down exercise.

* We will insist on a strict timetable. No moving deadlines.

"Change is never easy," concluded Carcieri. "Transforming government will be a significant challenge. No doubt, there will be roadblocks along the way. But the time is right to make us lean and efficient. Rhode Island faces major financial hurdles today and in the coming years. For the sake of the next generation of taxpayers, we must get down to business and deliver a State government that works for all of its citizens."

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