# RI.gov: Rhode Island Government

State Government Press Releases

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PROVIDENCE, RI – Governor Dan McKee today announced that Rhode Island has been awarded $915,000 in federal funds from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to develop a coordinated, data-driven suicide prevention program for higher-risk populations. For the initiative, the Rhode...
On Friday, August 4, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) is scheduled to shift travel lanes to the northern half of the Farnum Pike (Route 104) bridges over I-295 in Smithfield. This will create a work zone on the southern half of the bridges for repair work. The bridges – one...
Starting on Friday night, August 4, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) will reduce the number of travel lanes from two to one in both directions of the Airport Connector at the Jefferson Boulevard exit in Warwick. The lane restriction will be in place until the end of the year.
The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) recommends reopening Kingston's Camp Beach in Kingston because bacteria counts have returned to safe levels. RIDOH will monitor and review beach water quality through Labor Day. The status of a beach may change as new data become available. The...
The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) are advising people to avoid contact with Spectacle Pond in Cranston and the area of Wenscott Reservoir on the southwest side of Douglas Pike (Route 7) in North Providence, due to a blue-...
PROVIDENCE, RI - Secretary of State Gregg M. Amore today announced that Jennifer Griffith has joined the RI Department of State as Legal Counsel. "We are honored to have Jennifer join our team as Legal Counsel for the Rhode Island Department of State," said Secretary of State Gregg M. Amore. "...
PROVIDENCE, RI – The Department of Environmental Management (DEM) is announcing that $3 million in matching grants are available to help communities and local organizations protect valuable open space throughout Rhode Island through DEM's Local Open Space Grant Program. The grant round officially...
Starting Friday night, July 28, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation will change the traffic pattern on Route 146 at the Hawkins Street Bridge over Route 146 in Providence. The next phase of work to continue concrete repairs on this 66-year-old structure requires RIDOT to shift travel...
As part of an ongoing $35.7 million bridge project on Route 146, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation will implement lane shifts on Friday night, July 28, at the structurally deficient Breakneck Hill Road Bridge (Exit 5/Route 123), which is being completely replaced. The travel lanes...
PROVIDENCE, RI – Governor Dan McKee today announced that starting this month, the 125-year-old Rhode Island State House will have the entire surface of its Georgian marble professionally cleaned. Johnston-based East Coast Masonry & Restoration Inc. is charged with performing the work. The...